Support Diveheart’s mission & vision through Planned Giving
One of the many ways that many of our supporters choose to express their commitment to our long-term sustainability is by naming Diveheart in their wills or trusts. This is a way to make a lasting contribution without affecting your current financial security and freedom. Planned gifts offer you the flexibility to balance your personal financial goals with your interest in supporting Diveheart’s mission and vision.
If you have already included Diveheart in your estate plans, we would be glad to include you in our planned giving honor society. Let us know that you’ve included Diveheart in your estate plans by clicking here.( link to email )
Bequests and living trusts are often the simplest and most convenient type of legacy gifts that our friends establish. You may choose to give a percentage of your estate or all, or part of the residue that is left over after all other bequests are made.
A few types of bequests to consider include:
Unrestricted Bequests: Allows Diveheart to direct your gift where it is needed the most.
You can include wording in your will or trust such as: “I give and devise to Diveheart (Tax ID #36-4446147), located in Downers Grove, IL, the amount of $XX [or XX% of the residue of my estate], to be used for general operating support.”
You can include wording in your will or trust such as: “I give and devise to Diveheart (Tax ID #36-4446147), located in Downers Grove, IL, the amount of $XX [or XX% of the residue of my estate], to be used for general operating support.”
Restricted Bequests: Permits Diveheart to use your gift in the manner you designate, such as a specific area of interest (Children or veterans programming, equipment, Scuba Therapy research, etc.).
Specific Bequest: Gives a specific asset to Diveheart, such as cash or securities.
Residuary Bequest: Gives all or a percentage of what remains in your estate to Diveheart after all other specific bequests have been satisfied and all debts and expenses have been paid.
Contingent Bequest: Gives all or a portion of your estate to Diveheart when a named individual beneficiary dies before you. For example, “I give $10,000 to my cousin Mary, but if she does not survive me, the bequest should be given to Diveheart.”
Other vehicles that can be used are retirement plans, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts and gift annuities. There are financial benefits to the donor associated with each of these philanthropic instruments. In all charitable estate planning matters, Diveheart encourages you to seek professional advice from your trusted advisors.
Tax ID: 36-4446147
Address: 900 Ogden Ave #274, Downers Grove, IL 60515
Address: 900 Ogden Ave #274, Downers Grove, IL 60515
For more information about estate planning, please contact your financial or legal advisors.
If you wish to learn how your estate can help ensure Diveheart’s future, please contact Tinamarie Hernandez, Diveheart Executive Director at (630) 964-1983 or at