
Audio Stories


The Art of Medicine with Dr. Andrew Wilner Podcast Listen Here Please join me for this 30-minute interview. Jim started Diveheart.org more than 20 years ago. This nonprofit organization offers an underwater therapeutic experience for people with many types of disabilities. Diveheart.org emphasizes acceptance and inclusivity. Divers always dive...


[audio mp3="https://www.diveheart.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Rotary-2024-04-14-Show-773-WBPM-Mixdown-1.mp3"][/audio] Kathy and Joni of Radio Rotary interview Rotarians Jim Elliott and Tinamarie Hernandez about Diveheart, a nonprofit organization using scuba diving as therapy for people with disabilities. Jim and Tina discuss the therapeutic benefits of scuba diving, including pain management, respiratory therapy, and boosting...


Free Descent Podcast Interview with Diveheart <iframe src="https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/freedescent/embed/episodes/Dive-8-Interview-with-DiveHeart-and-Jakes-First-Classes-e262f14/a-a58emn" height="102px" width="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Jim and Tinamarie chatted with Jake and Myles from about Diveheart adaptive diving techniques and working with divers from all walks of life. Free Descent is a podcast by millennial dive instructors with a goal: to...


Scuba for the Disabled (Aired On March 5, 2023) Rotarian Jim Elliott (Downers Grove, Illinois) took the lesson he had learned in a college course in scuba (Self-Controlled Underwater Breathing Apparatus) to found what has become a worldwide. volunteer-driven organization focused on building confidence and independence...


Scubaverse April 12, 2022 | Jeff chats to… Jim Elliott and Tinamarie Hernandez of Diveheart In this exclusive Zoom interview, Jeff Goodman, Scubaverse Editor-at-Large, chats to Jim Elliott, Founder and President of Diveheart, and Tinamarie Hernandez, Executive Director, about the new documentary ‘Adapting to Dive’ by David...